Chapter 2: Choices

Comment your thoughts on Chapter 2 for discussion below. ⇓


  1. For another chapter Mr. Hardy tried to drag me lol, however this time he was unsuccessful, as I was well away on my road to success by making a particular choice ! He has a way with ordering his paragraphs, it's like in a very inexplicit way he poses a question to our conscience. "We all begin life the same; naked, sacred, and ignorant" - such profound words...this quote serves as a reality check as it shows us that our journey after birth is dependent on the decisions we made for ourselves. Another quote that struck me is, "You're biggest challenge isn't that you're intentionally been making bad choices." I've never heard anything more true than those words, to all reading this I'm sure you share the same sentiments as I when I say that our intentions are always pure but sometimes the result isn't the one that is always fair or isn't what our heart desires but Hardy through his story shows us that we should be giving a 100% regardless and not expect anything in return as we can and ONLY should be responsible and accountable for our actions. The particular choice I was referring to prior was keeping a personal scorecard for things I'd like to improve on, and I'm proud to say this bookclub is a major part of it, as it relates to writing things down. Keeping track of my progress has helped me and I hope it'll help you as well.

  2. Choices!. This chapter has also opened my eyes once more. As humans, we are blessed with both conscious and subconscious thought. As a result, we can consciously weigh our options when we are presented with various scenarios. However for the most part, we don't. We tend to blame other people or make up some false narrative in our minds as to why things didn't go as planned, ultimately never taking responsibility for our actions. As was pointed out by Mr. Hardy, the most successful people in the society understand that they are in control of their own lives. If they fail, it is usually because of something that they did or the lack thereof. Consequently, going forward i'll ensure to take 100% responsibility for my actions and i'll also ensure to journal and to keep track of my results. Hope this helped.


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