Message From Shemar;

First and foremost, I would like to give you all the utmost thanks for accompanying me on this venture, it has always been a dream of mine to gather critical-thinkers under the same objective, and I've been afforded this opportunity through the avenue of an online book club, PSY & CO. A switch from the conventional methods that will still facilitate the avid bookworm or the curious cat. Focus will be placed on self-development and psychology books (For this year 1 of many to come ! :)) as I look to establish this as a sustained entity. As a member of this new club you get to set the expectations for yourself and for any committed reader you wish to invite. Seeing that this operation is set-up to avoid the casualties of arranging time/place for everyone to meet, I would still appreciate for there to be a gathering every once in a while with everyone in attendance. Again, I can't stress enough how much I'm glad to be a part of this with every single one of you. GARGANTUAN RESPECT !


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