Chapter 2: A New World is Revealed to Me

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  1. Running down the chapters of this book for one reason and one reason only, Hill is saying the things I need to hear right at this moment, right at this current stage in my life, I needed to be reminded that the barriers I have holding me back are the ones manufactured in my mind! The present battle is rough but the future victory will be sweet. No matter what the circumstance there is a way to stand triumphantly. The words, "You may not yet have the full-blown flower of success, but the seed from which that flower may be made to germinate and grow", have sat so well with me as for example when I started this book-blog venture I only saw it being just for my friends (the ones that LIKE to read) and I firstly and now it has been blossoming into more than what I could've imagined; having 300 visitors to the site in the month of June and 170 and counting at the point of writing this. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS IF YOU GIVE YOURSELF THE CHANCE TO GROW AND LEARN!!!


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