Chapter 3: A Strange Interview with the Devil

Comment your thoughts on Chapter 3 for discussion below. ⇓


  1. Another week, another chapter! This being the interlude for the sit-down with the devil! Not to be afraid or anything as we don't really know if this was an actual supernatural encounter or just out of the limitless imagination of Hill (which I'm assuming was the latter) but it could be either, what do you think? The dialogue starts with Hill immediately pinning the Devil or 'Your Majesty" as he wished to be addressed with hard-hitting questions about the parallels which exist in us all. The Devil makes us aware that FEAR is the best tool to control ones mind- the most reliable being the fear of poverty, criticism, ill-health, loss of love, old-age and death. He also makes us aware that a well-thinking mind trumps fear (his greatest weapon) and is the most valuable asset to the human race.


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