Chapter 5: The Confession Continues

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  1. .... and the long conversation with the devil continues. Hill continues to chip away at the 'Devil', securing more vital information with each question he asks. In this particular chapter we learn about the power of the tongue, words and the things we say. Much of what is said in the beginning is basically off the surface from the devil, nothing that we or Hill haven't heard groundbreaking, no life-changing truths. Hill forces him to open up and he starts detailing how he gathers control over people, firstly by bribes! Namely; Love, thirst of sexual expression, love of money(obviously), obsessive desire to gain something for nothing, vanity in women and egotism in men. All these 'bribes' might already be apparent to you but that doesn't mean it is synonymous to you being insusceptible to them. If you don't assert control over certain things in your life, certain things in your life will assert control over you. Don't leave anything to chance!


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