Chapter 2: Submit to Reality: The Ideal Apprenticeship

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  1. Here are some key ideas I think we should follow from Chapter 2: Firstly is valuing learning over money- it is absolutely selfish especially to yourself in the long term to want money right away instead of honing your craft or expertise in whatever field you are in. Not allowing yourself to reach a certain level where you are marketable and of use in the field because you want a paycheck is ludicrous and is a disservice to yourself and who you're serving. You're essentially asking to be paid for not being good at what you're doing. The second idea is expanding your horizons- build your social skills, surround yourself with as many types of people as possible. Their stories, their viewpoints and experiences will be of great value to you. We always hear the cliché about how "It's not what we know, it's who we know" and there's in fact some truth to this because who you know can open up doors for you so that you can gain access to what you know, you can learn what you know through who you know. The third idea is trusting the process- time and patience are magic ingredients! Over days, weeks and months, what you've learned will become habit whether you realize it or not. Slowly but surely you will start to see the bigger picture. There's an analogy that says, "If you stand too close to an elephant, you can't see the elephant". It is with time and patience that you will realize that life and what surrounds everything you're doing is more than what meets the eye. You have not reached anywhere in your process until valuable progress is realized. The fourth idea is putting up a resistance and battling pain- You first have to develop the ability to resist temptation from all things but firstly the temptation of finding excuses for yourself. Take steps towards being the first judge of whatever it is that you do. You will eventually (if you're being honest with yourself) recognize all your flaws and shortcomings. However, we all know this is easier said than done but there's always beauty in the struggle. In being your biggest critic you become more innovative than ever before and in that you will add things to your daily routine that will strengthen your weaknesses no matter how hard it seems to overcome them. The penultimate idea is learning through failure- things might go horribly wrong sometimes but it is not the end of the world! Mistakes will always show you the root of where you went wrong and ultimately aid in your improvement. Failure is an educational tool teaching you about your inadequacies. The final idea is profiting from trial and error- you want to learn all of that which life brings to you but only focus on whatever it is in detail if it relates to your profound interest. We are living in a world now that is abundant with information, more than ever before, free for you to take from it what you will for your own benefit. LEARNING MORE ABOUT YOUR DREAM WILL GIVE YOU CLARITY ABOUT YOUR DREAM.


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