Chapter 3: Absorb The Masters Power: The Mentor Dynamic

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  1. "A man of talent is not born to be left to himself, but to devote himself to art and good masters who will make something of him."

    Seeking out mentors...Person to person interactions have proven to be one of the most effective ways to shape your way of thinking, so it's very important that the person that will be mentoring you along your path is the correct fit and that they align to whatever it is your focused on. It is absolutely key that you strike while the iron is hot, know definitively when it is your time to shine. It is crucial that leaving from under your mentor's wing is done at the most opportune time with utmost efficiency, leaving space for no malice or ill-feelings after you've left the proverbial nest. Maintaining the respect and relationship is vital to you as it is vital to your reputation. Always keep in mind the future you envision for yourself whether or not your mentor is privy to your ambitions it is still necessary that being alongside them is of some substantial benefit. Your mentor should be your guidebook of mistakes not to make, they've already ran the block so many times that they're now the block, and now that you have just came to the block it is fair to assume that they can tell you a thing or two about the block. Be like them but DO NOT be them, even as we absorb all the teaching we must adapt to our own experiences and situations and create our own style, do not be a clone of your mentor! Keep the relationship between you and them strong by teaching them just like how they teach you, bounce ideas of each other, the student is the teacher and the teacher is the student.


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