Chapter 4: See People As They Are: Social Intelligence

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  1. There's often an emotional tax that we have to deal with when it comes to dealing with the people around us, by the walls they put up, by the games that they play, it can happen so quickly and easily that we become consumed in strife and animosity with the people around us. Sometimes our Achilles heel is our tendency to impart our most sincere feelings on people. We most times miscalculate our importance in their life and the intentions they have towards us and this can be disastrous. Regardless of the other person's stance, it's critical to us (YOU) to be most realistic in the situation and see it for what it truly is. We have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone out there is set to love you but some are there to hurt you ... even is they love you, so we must use people's dark tendencies as a segway into knowing what's beneath their exterior, what they are capable of and what in itself makes them capable of whatever it is that they do. We have to know how to read people exceptionally, but it will take practice and experience, so don't isolate yourself if you want to be successful in a world where you HAVE to deal with other people. The strategy is to always be 100% real and straight forward, it's the only way you'll be able to break down a person's barriers, you also have to come to terms with the fact that people will not always see the genius in what you do, they'll either love it or hate it and it's important to remember that we bring this realistic mindset into every corner of our life. For instance if we're doing something and no-one is in agreeance to it then maybe it's not what we are supposed to be doing OR it is that the environment that we're in is not ready for what we're doing.


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