Chapter 6: Fuse The Intuitive With The Rational: Mastery

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  1. "The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus."
    Connecting to out environment is probably one of the most useful forms of mastery there is. There is so much value in when we become Intune with our environment and begin to sense everything as a sign to interpret. A way of managing our biases. When we are learning to do something that we've never come across before it's critical to become proficient in an envelope of minute tasks that associate with what you're learning as a whole. At the end of your learning period your thinking and ability would have digested a huge plate of information, all of which now become a part of you- you are now one with it. Now with this knowledge we operate with a different groove because the body and mind are merged. You now own the ability to use incredible instincts but it has only made itself available through intense focus and practice. We come to the point where we all rationally develop these skills that we now replicate them with intuitive flair...what some might call a "fingertip feel". Don't be a part of the crowd that are in a rush to create huge spectacles, whatever it is that they are doing will soon be exposed for its lack of input and substantial value. You must see whatever you do, say or create as something that has a life and identity of its own.
    The world as we know it is a competitive space and only the ones who have a wider, more global outlook will prevail. As they are the people who are able to look pass the moment and sway the general dynamic through meticulous planning. Most of us are often prisoners of the moment, influenced by immediate events, quickly becoming emotional and reactionary to see what's really going on. Always remind yourself of the overall purpose of the things you are doing and how it meshes with your long-term aspirations. The truth is, in life, for the most part we'll be on the outside looking in and it might lead us to being confused most of the time, this calls for less projecting and more understanding...


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