PART ONE: Rumbling With Vulnerability

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  1. To me it seems like the word VULNERABILITY scares a lot of people, especially people in positions of power. As they are by world-view criteria supposed to hold a lot of qualities that seemingly have nothing to do with 'being vulnerable' or let's say if there was a list of 5-10 traits a good leader should have, Vulnerability would be #987654321. Firstly I love the language of the book, I really admire the tone she writes in, as plain and straight-forward as anyone could ever be...providing us with real life stories and experiences whose outcomes founded on eventual bravery and courage. " There are a million cheap seats in the world today filled with people who will never be brave with their lives but who will spend every ounce of energy they have hurling advice and judgement at those who dare greatly." And I've quoted this not only because this is my reality and I feel like giving you insight to my personal life but it is my wish to highlight the parallels of the person you should not become and the person you should become - someone who dares greatly.


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